What is shared hosting in detail ?

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Shared hosting is the less expensive way to get your website live. Why shared hosting is different from other types of hosting. Why shared hosting plans are cheap. So let’s start:

Firstly you need to choose and buy the best domain which suits your business from any domain provider in the market.

What is shared hosting and why it is cheap?

Shared hosting is a kind of virtual hosting that hosts your website in the hardware server which also contains multiple websites hosted in it. The hardware server of shared hosting contains high RAM, high CPU, multiple storages and many software applications used to accessing and managing websites easily. It is shared hosting which means it divide the costs. Shared hosting is mostly used by students, bloggers, startups and small businesses that have static websites. Shared hosting hosts website by sharing server resources so costs are divided and this makes it cheaper and easier to be on the web presence.

Cost of shared hosting

The cost of shared hosting depends on the web hosting provider. Usually, the expected cost is between ₹50 to ₹500 monthly on a shared server. It depends on the user to choose the best plans according to their website needs. Keep in mind, Static websites take less space than dynamic websites so make sure to choose a plan accordingly.

Few Points you must check before buying web host

Not all the web hosting company provides good quality web hosting. Many hosting provides good features but to earn more they just overload their servers and don’t care about their client. Some hosting providers are too cheap which doesn’t provide support to the clients. some other points are described below.

Hosting Uptime: uptime means from how long the web hosting server has been running continuously without stopping. example if some hosting says 99% uptime means their server is running with almost no downtime. But due to heavy load on the server, it may go down for a while.

Server Resources: A good web host always manages its server resources properly. The web host must bind specific server resources to a particular website because if they do not bind resources website may use whole server resources if something malicious happens on that website which makes other websites down.

Traffic: If your website getting more hits and consuming more bandwidth than shared hosting is not suitable for your website you may upgrade to cloud hosting or VPS hosting because due to heavy traffic on your website it may effect on other websites and server so proper speed issues will be faced to shared hosting and it may produce some downtime for all users.

How to choose web hosting plans

You can choose plans easily if you have to host more than one website.

Storage Space: It means how much Storage space your website data requires to store its files. If your Website contains Media like videos, mp3 and high-resolution images then you much go with high storage plans so it will be easier for you to store files. Shared hosting provides good Storage space at lower rates so it is best to choose accordingly. But keep in mind that some web hosting providers do not allow to store peer to peer files in their shared hosting so read terms and conditions page first then buy.

MYSQL Databases: It is the databases your website will require. example one WordPress website requires one MYSQL Database, so if you host that requires multiple databases then you must go with higher plans.

Monthly Bandwidth: It is the monthly Traffic your web hosting provides to process data online. example if some web hoster gives you a monthly 50gb then your website can only consume 50gb bandwidth in a month so if your website’s traffic is increasing then you must upgrade to plans which provide high bandwidth.

FTP Users: FTP means File Transfer Protocol. It is used if you want to upload multiple files at the same time in a server by using external software like Filezilla.

Subdomains: How many subdomains you require for your website.

Email Address: How much Email you want to create having your domain branding in it. example [email protected]. Email plays an important role in marketing. It also uses to send newsletters to subscribed users.

Advantages of shared hosting

In shared hosting, you will get easy to manage web hosting control panels like Cpanel, Cyberpanel with one-click installers. Many hosting also provides Free SSL certificates to your websites. You can get good storage space at a low cost. Some web hosting company also provides feature that can automatically defend against the cybersecurity threats. Shared hosting is fully flexible and you can easily get plans under your requirements. If you go with cloud servers it will cost too much which startups cannot afford so best is to go with shared hosting.

Disadvantages of shared hosting

Shared hosting has shared resources that are shared to multiple users to host their own websites. so it may face slowdown issue when some users website is getting high traffics or users website is under some cybersecurity threat.

Recommended Web Hosting: galaxywebcloud.com

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